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首页  »  记录片  »  詹姆斯·梅:人在印度第三季
  James starts his coast-to-coast odyssey in Mumbai, one of India's greatest cities. A white-knuckle auto rickshaw journey through the bustling streets in the company of top stand-up comedian Aditi Mittal leads James to a roasting at a nearby comedy club. Attempting to find his feet after this bruising experience, James explores Dharavi, India's biggest slum which, despite its challenges, is buzzing with determined entrepreneurs and an uplifting community spirit. Next up, in a confusing and hilarious encounter, James meets one of the last great Bollywood poster artists and has a go at creating his own vision of a blockbuster. A traditional fortune teller warns James of the perils of the journey ahead before he sets out on a 500-mile trek into Rajasthan and Udaipur, the fabled city of lakes. Here, a serene morning in the company of India's champion kite flyer descends into apocalyptic chaos as James and the crew battle the elements. As dusk falls, James cycles into the old city for the explosive and fiery ritual of Holika Dan. The episode ends with the wild and colourful celebration of Holi, where the whole city comes together to dance to earth-shattering beats in a kaleidoscopic array of paints and powders.